Can You Be Anything You Want?

It’s complicated

Douglas Giles, PhD


Image Source: Lumen5

How much can you change your life?

How much can you change who and what you are?

It’s complicated.

Let’s insert some philosophy into this topic. Video and text versions below.

Reality Exists Between Extreme Viewpoints

On the one hand, I get crap from some of my academic colleagues because I acknowledge human free will. It amazes me how some otherwise intelligent, decent people insist that other people have no ability or agency to make choices. They are dead wrong. You have free will to change your life and who you are.

On the other hand, and at the opposite extreme, are the hucksters of the personal growth/success industry selling the snake oil of, “You are awesome! You have infinite potential! You can be anything you want! All you have to do is believe it (and buy my coaching program!)” Yes, all of us are, in each our own way, awesome. And yes, we do have potential to choose what we want to be. But anything?



Douglas Giles, PhD

Philosopher by trade & temperament, professor for 21 years, bringing philosophy out of its ivory tower and into everyday life.