Is there also pseudo-philosophy? The short answer is "yes." Beyond that, the answer is difficult and complex, as is the subject. Though the term "pseudo-philosophy" is not used, I have encountered so many philosophers who clearly relagte to such a realm legiitimate areas of philosophy with which they disagree. I think this is a topic very much worth discussing, but I fear from my decades of experience interacting with other philosophers, that few would be willing to have a mature discussion about the lines beween philosophy and pseudo-philosophy. However, any animosity amongst philosophers pales in comparison to the condescension some scientists spew at philosophers. They may give some grudging acceptance to philosophers of science, but they illogically relegate much of the rest of philosophy to the realm of Deepak Chopra. It's a shame that academics can't have more fruitful sharing of knowledge without ego-laden turf wars. We do need, as you eloquently describe, critical distinctions bewteen legitimate and psuedo-intellectual pursuits, but we also need more open dialogue in academia and less shelting in ivory silos dismissing everyone outside one's own narrow field of inquiry.