JD Vance Channels Plato and the “Noble Lie”

Have I mentioned there’s nothing new in the tactics of right-wingers Trump and Vance? Why, yes, yes I have.

Douglas Giles, PhD


Plato (L), Vance (R), though both right-wingers (Sources: public domain (L), US Congress (R))

The ideology that we now call “right wing” has been around for many centuries. What “right wing” means is the idea and desire that power be concentrated into a particular segment of society. Those who believe in this ideology of power concentration see achieving it as a moral good and even a moral demand.

Enter JD Vance, freshman senator and recently appointed MAGA spokesperson, who fervently believes in the ideology of power concentration. He believes, as MAGA and their funders do, that America needs an overhaul of political power structures that reasserts traditional concentrations of power — only that return to past divisions of power will make America great again.

A Prejudice as Old as Plato

Plato (427–347 BCE) in his book Republic outlined his vision of the ideal society. A just and well-ordered society, Plato insisted, had to have power concentrated in a select few — the “guardians” — who would be of superior intellect and ability and would make all decisions for the society. Because they were superior people, the guardians would understand what was necessary for the good of society and make…



Douglas Giles, PhD

Philosopher by trade & temperament, professor for 21 years, bringing philosophy out of its ivory tower and into everyday life. https://dgilesauthor.com/