Thank you for responding to what I wrote and actually reading what I wrote. Most people never read past the title and call me names having no idea what I wrote much less the argument I am making. It is nice to have someone try to engage with the issue, especially with the time and effort you expended. Thank you.
I am not a formal logician either, but I think your diagramming of my argument leaves out some important parts. Although maybe when I wrote this a long time ago, I was less than clear.
My intention was to state that the transgender label won't reduce discrimination and violence against nonheteronormative people for two reasons. One, all labels are depersonalizing making prejudice against people easier, so the transgender label is an open invitation for more dehumanizing of people. Two, the transgender label has itself become a vehicle for prejudice and discrimination. All labels are easily weaponized and it has happened here too. "Trans" activists argue (even more now three years later) about whether one is "trans" enough or "trans supportive" enough, completely ignoring the individual people they claim to be defending. Thus, all the "trans" label has done is open up yet another binary opposition that people are fighting over, helping no one.
I don't disagree with most of the premises you ascribe to my argument, but because your diagram leaves out the two points I list above, the diagram doesn't lead to the conclusion my article makes: instead of focusing on labels, let's listen to individual people and accept them for who they are.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify my ideas.