That is one of the central arguments of my article. Indeed, the vast majority of the article is explaining how they are distinct approaches to business, corporatism being capitalism and private business being free enterprise. The central issue is that capitalism and free enterprise have different ontologies of the spheres of labor and ownership and that affects their different relations with employees, customers, and society. Again, I expound at length on these tangible differences.
You are free to disagree with my argument, but you seem to be completely ignoring it which means you are talking past my argument rather than engaging with it. With respect, that failure to engage with the social realities to which I refer is why you hold on to the incorrect notions of economics and ethics that you express, some of which, sorry to say, are akin to malicious lies told by those who seek to exploit labor, consumers, and voters. You say they are "details." I say they are fallacies that I am exposing as such.