That would be funny, but I fear you actually believe that. Medium's bias isn't that it is "far left" (curious how you'd define that), it's that it is too reluctant to embrace any content that is philosophical, detailed, and challenges the reader regardless of the political/cultural slant. They snub left and right equally, but everyone only sees their side as the ones being snubbed. Human nature.
There aren't enough publications on Medium that value insightful content and respectful debate. I welcome any that do. But what is needed is a publication that is willing to dig deeper past the standard empty political rhetoric and fear of complexities. Two years ago I quit as an editor of a publication because they refused to reign in personal attacks on Republicans, and I am not a Republican, not a Democrat either for that matter, I want actual discussion about actual issues. I know, silly me.
Insightful conversations are much needed, but you can't get there if your starting point is crying victimhood. Best of luck.