To Everything, Turn, Turn …
When the time comes, be brave
Last night, European time, my spouse received two e-mails of news within 10 minutes. One was that President Biden had finally made way for someone else. The other was that a close and dear relative had died.
We experience life in those two overlapping layers — the grand scale and the deeply personal. Two elderly men each had their suffering ended. Each great man faced their fate bravely. Each of those two events yesterday will affect my spouse and me. Life is lived on those two levels. Everything turns, and often for the better, as in these two cases. It is our responsibility to adjust to change.
On July 9th, I called on Biden to give way to Kamala Harris. Of course, Biden wasn’t listening to me, but he ended up taking my sound advice.
Not that I was in any way exceptional in my argument, though I was ahead of the general curve in timing. A shout out to Cornel West for his correct prediction eight months ago.