We are definitely coming to these issues from differnt directions.
Yes, language is a tool, and have you not noticed that I consistently refer to labels as things that can be weaponized? A knife can be used for good or evil. Same with labels.
With respect, I think you are missing the point that I am making about prejudice. I am not saying that there is a burden on people to know every person they meet as a complex individual. I am saying that everyone is obligated to respect that everyone IS an individual. You have no obligation to know the teller's life history, but you do have an obligation to respect the teller as a person regardless of what clothes they wear or what name they choose to call themselves.
You comment about class analysis really illustrates the disconnect. I am not judging you, I realize I am asking people to step out of centuries of enculturation. Class distinctions are external judgments enforced on people. Exactly like "you are a woman/man." What I am proposing allows for a deconstruction of class and other forms of hierarchical classification by shifting the discussion from stereotypes to respect for persons. Instead of statements like "you are working class therefore...." and "you were born with that genitalia therefore ..." we admit the open-ended "who are you and what do you want to be?" Is that so difficult a shift to accept?