What Right Do You Have to Not Be Cynical?

Let’s talk real dren here

Douglas Giles, PhD
3 min readMay 14, 2024


Darkly funny or simply cynical?

I fear my recent articles have been fairly negative, perhaps even a little cynical. That’s not what I’m going for. I write with a purpose of contributing something to making the world a better place. With that purpose comes a bit of peril.

Last February, I wrote an article, “What Right Do You Have to Be Happy?” I explored that question in the context of a world that is filled with suffering. I don’t make the mistakes of the Buddhists or the Stoics, so I concluded my article with this statement:

To be happy, to enjoy my life, is not irrational; it is not immoral. It can and should be a solid foundation on which I can and should act to make the world a better place.

Now to the Other Side of This Question

Yes, the world can and should be a better place. It isn’t, though.



Douglas Giles, PhD

Philosopher by trade & temperament, professor for 21 years, bringing philosophy out of its ivory tower and into everyday life. https://dgilesauthor.com/