What's truly neurotic is to deny the reality of racism that permeates most everything. Our refusal to deal with that reality and discuss it intelligently is the cause of much neurotic behavior in both "whites" and "Blacks." And yes, BOTH "whites" and "Blacks" aren't dealing with that reality. The first step is to stop making it about "whites" versus "Blacks."
You take a step back in your response, and thank you for your response, but with respect, you are still promulgating right-wing myths. The very suggestion that a "set of academics in law and education" have turned K-12 education into a zealous anti-America crusade is nonsense. I teach at the university level, but my wife has for years been involved in pedagogy for K-12. She sees many of the wacky proposals created by people with education degrees who are loaded up with theory but have no practical experience in education, nor I suspect, in life, but even their wackiest shit bears no resemblance to the made-up stories told by right-wing polemicists. If individual teachers go overboard on any issue, they need to be called out.
I do personally know people who are very, very "Left" and style themselves as anti-racism writers and/or academics. Not a one of them says, ever, that has "really been no progress" on racism. That accusation is another right-wing polemic with no basis in reality. They do say "there hasn't been enough progress" in racism, and it's difficult to deny that fact.
I did add my voice and insights about race and the teaching about race in this article and others I've published here on Medium. They are all there if you care to look. I've heard all the wild accusations from the right-wing propaganda machine. But I don't live inside that echo chamber. I hear them, but I live in education and academia, and I know the people involved in critical race theory, and therefore, seeing both sides, I can see clearly that the right-wing accusations are the malevolent mass hysteria trying to set back race relations.